Student Profile: Kidest Belet

It’s Adult Learners Week! Australia’s national celebration of adult learning runs from Sept 1-8. On the back of this year’s theme, ‘change your story’ we’re profiling one incredible student each day of the celebration. We’ll be giving them a voice to tell us all how they are #changingtheirstory to reach their goals for their future. 
Our EAL student, Kidest, is a terrific example proving that anything is possible! Here’s her story….

“I arrived in Australia in 2015 with no English, it was very difficult to get any job with no English for me. So, I enrolled in an English class at Yarraville Community Centre to improve my English and my confidence.

I have improved a lot since coming here. I have more confidence in myself. Now I can go to the shops and buy things by myself, I can go to the medical clinic and explain myself, I can use bank ATMs, I can use email and so on.

In the future, I would like to do a childcare course. I like spending time with children. After I finish the course, I hope I can find work as a childcare worker in a childcare centre.”

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