The GROW Program
12th Feb 2019
The GROW Program is an engaging and supportive learning and education program that will help you gain the confidence and skills to apply for and gain employment, or go on...
End of year celebration
13th Dec 2018
Students enjoyed the end of year celebration at Footscray Park last week with perfect weather. Everyone brought along a plate of food to share and participated in...
Family Learning Project
12th Oct 2018
Wednesday was the launch of the Family Learning Project delivered in partnership with Skilling Employment & Aid Enterprises Australia. This project will provide...
The Green Centre
26th Sep 2018
A huge thank you to The Green Centre for their generous donation of soil and mulch for our Blackwood St Neighbourhood House garden. The Green Centre are an organic...
Neighbourhood House Week 2018
27th Apr 2018
Come and celebrate Neighbourhood House Week with 3 FREE workshops on offer. Enrol in 1 or all 3 of the following taster workshops: 12.00pm – Spanish for...
Older person’s walking group
8th Jun 2017
Join the Friends of Stony Creek and YCC on Thurs 22 June at 10am for an informative walk and talk. This new walking group for older people will get you fit while you...
Neighbourhood House Week photo competition
24th Apr 2017
Share a photo of what your Neighbourhood House or Community Centre means to you for a chance to win an iPad and other prizes. Just snap a picture and post it to...