Healthcare, support, and education sectors on a booming trajectory
23rd Aug 2021
Australia faces critical staff shortages over the next few years, with thousands more care workers needed. According to Australian Government’s Job Outlook, Health...
Hatha Yoga vs Vinyasa Yoga
20th Jul 2021
What’s the difference between these two yoga styles? We offer Hatha Yoga classes and Vinyasa Yoga classes at YCC and here’s the rundown on the...
Our students have opportunities to study pathway courses that lead them to employment.
23rd Jun 2021
Yarraville Community Centre’s students have opportunities to study pathway courses to lead them to employment. Lhamo is one our students who was a refugee to Australia...
The Nourish Project
2nd Jun 2021
The NOURISH project is a coordinated and collaborative Neighbourhood House response to food insecurity in Maribyrnong. Five Neighbourhood House’s, Yarraville...
Children from the Yarraville Community Centre experienced an intergalactic storytime… from space!
20th May 2021
As part of the National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) event, children at Yarraville Community Centre childcare were delighted by an intergalactic experience, enjoying...
The Yarraville Community Centre recognises the significant contribution of our volunteers during National Volunteer Week.
20th May 2021
National Volunteer Week (NVW) is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteers held from Monday 17th to Sunday 23rd May 2021. On Wednesday 19 May, The...
Eco, Fun and Friendly practices at Yarraville Community Centre’s Child Care Centres.
5th May 2021
At Yarraville Community Centre’s childcare centre, we work closely with our children and families to develop a sense of responsibility and care for our...
Free Tax Help
19th Jul 2019
Do you earn $60,000 or less? Get free help with your tax return from a tax help volunteer at Yarraville Community Centre. Starting Saturday 27 July, continuing...